Beginner CrossFit

St. Augustine Fitness Classes

This will answer all your questions like, “How Do I Start CrossFit?” and “Is CrossFit good for beginners?”

TriForce CrossFit is a gym that is focused on helping people learn how to exercise safely and effectively. Because most people come to TriForce with big goals (like “I want to lose 50 lbs” or “I want to get back in shape so I can play with my kids” or “I want my spouse to look at me like he/she did when we first got together”) we aren’t in this for a quick fix. Our goal is to teach you how to move so that you don’t hurt yourself either in the gym or at home doing normal tasks (like picking up your kids, or doing yard work.) Only if you are able to workout consistently for a long-time will you be able to hit those big goals.

(Join our Facebook Group designed for Healthy Moms and Dads to learn some beginner tips and tricks)

That’s why we make ALL of our new members go through a 6 Class series called “Foundations.” 

During this 2 week course, you will be taught movement by movement what each exercise is, and how to do it correctly and safely. We now do these classes 1-1, so that you are getting all the attention you need during these formative sessions.

It is also during this time that you will learn how to “scale” or modify exercises to meet you exactly where you are at. We all have different skill, fitness, strength, mobility, injury levels. When beginning your CrossFit journey, it will be imperative that you understand how to scale each workout so that you get a great sweat, while doing exercises that are appropriate for you.

View Foundations as your 101 course to get you ready for the “big kid” classes as our members like to call them. By the end of the 6 classes, you will feel prepared not only to participate in our group CrossFit classes, but to crush them 🙂

If you are a beginner and would like to know more about what it looks like to get started with us, check out some of these FAQs below.

Foundations FAQs:

Q: I’m nervous about exercising in front of other people. How should I get started?

A: First of all, I get it. When I was 50# overweight, I honestly felt ashamed of the way I looked. But please know that this is a safe place, and you will never be judged here.

Secondly, our Foundations classes are intentionally created with beginners in mind, so that way it is not as intimidating. You will be working one on one with a coach AND REMEMBER, we have all been the beginner before. So you won’t feel out of place. 

These Foundations classes will be booked around your schedule, so you don’t have to worry about fitting into our schedule, we work into yours.

You and your coach can decide after your Foundations if group class or doing 1-1 Personal Training is a better fit for your current situation and goals.

Q: Why can’t I just start coming to regular CrossFit classes?

A: The short answer: Because we care too much about you. CrossFit involves lots of movements that require not only fitness, but also practice and skill. Even if you have taken a few classes somewhere else, there is no guarantee that you were doing things correctly.

It isn’t fair to you to be singled out during regular classes because we have to teach you something brand new, and its not fair to the rest of the class who is also there to be coached.

Q: I’ve done CrossFit before, can I just jump into regular CrossFit classes?

A: Sure thing… IF you are ready. And you have to let us be the judge of that. Again, we are looking out for your best interest. Even if you used to have a sub 3 minute “Fran” if you haven’t worked out in 3 years, we will probably have you go through Foundations to ease back into things.

Q: I feel like I am too out of shape to do CrossFit. Is it worth even trying?

A: Trust me, you aren’t too out of shape. We will talk through your current and past medical history in person to make sure that it is appropriate for you to be exercising, but beyond significant medical complications, CrossFit can be for everyone.

We have helped people more than 200# overweight. We have helped people that haven’t exercised in 40 years, or EVER. It is amazing that people in these types of situations would even consider “trying it on my own.” 

No where else around will you be guided through your fitness journey by Physical Therapists and a Registered Dietitian

Q: Will CrossFit help me lose weight?

A: Exercise certainly plays a big role in losing weight. However, it has been said you can’t outwork a bad diet. That’s why we place such a big focus on helping each person with an individualized meal plan. In order to lose weight, you will need to be able to eat foods that you like, while understanding how much of each thing will help you hit your goals.

On average, our clients lose between 10-20# during their first 6 weeks with us. It isn’t with crash dieting, or hours of exercise everyday either. We focus on changing lifestyle and habits that have helped our clients keep the weight off forever.

Q: Can CrossFit help me gain weight?

A: Absolutely. Much of weight gain has to do with your approach to working out, as well as your nutrition. While most of our clients are on a weight-loss journey, we have successfully helped plenty of people trying to gain some weight.

Remember, we take a personalized approach to your fitness, so we can tweak your nutrition and workouts in order to help you gain weight if that is your goal.

Q: Will CrossFit make me bulky? 

A: Are you a female? If yes, then my short answer is no. In general women don’t have the correct hormones to “bulk up.” So even lifting heavy weights won’t make you have broader shoulders, but it will give you a toned look that many people desire. We wrote an entire article on this question here.

Are you a male? If yes, then see the question above. If you want to bulk up, we certainly can do that with appropriate nutrition intervention.

Q: I’ve worked out before. How is CrossFit different?

A: CrossFit is the best tool we have to help the most people get fit. There are tons of ways and programs that can help you on your fitness journey. But, simply put, we are the best.

We combine three pillars to help our clients have long-term success, no matter what their goal is. 

  1. Fitness– CrossFit utilizes a combination of body-weight, resistance, and cardio training in order to create a well-rounded, and healthy body. You will always have a coach, and at TriForce, we keep class sizes small, so you can get the individual attention you need.
  2. Nutrition– How many gyms have you been to that have given you a custom meal plan? Created by a Dietitian? Designed with your specific needs in place? Followed up with you about how to adjust your plan once you’ve hit your goals? It is impossible to place a value on how important these things are to your short-term and long-term success.
  3. Accountability– At TriForce CrossFit, we care about every single one of our members. We also understand that there are going to be days that you don’t want to come to the gym. That’s why your coaches will be reaching out to when you don’t show up to the gym. Most gyms make money off members who sign up and don’t come. We only want people that are coming in frequently and getting amazing results. That is why we will hound you if you stop showing up.

Foundations Summary

Foundations is our first line of defense in making sure that everyone that is doing our program is prepared to have a long, successful relationship with exercise. If a gym will let you jump into a CrossFit class without experience, DON’T DO IT!!! Unfortunately, there are too many gyms that don’t focus on the basics. You can even read Why I Hated CrossFit for an honest look at CrossFit from someone with tons of experience in the field, and even owns a CrossFit gym.

Because we do limit the number of participants in our Foundations program, set up a time to chat through the rest of the details today by sending an email and put “Let’s talk about Foundations” in the subject line 🙂 or fill out the form below.

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Shortly after we will be in touch with you to confirm your intro session.

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Simply fill out the form below and then schedule Your FREE No-Sweat intro Consultation on the next page.

Shortly after we will be in touch with you to confirm your intro session.

We are excited to meet you!



We Would Love To Meet You!

If you would like to reserve a spot... Simply fill out the form below letting us know what day you might come by & one of our amazing coaches will reach out to you to reserve your class.



Passing through town for just a single day? No problem – we get it, you don’t want to miss a day of fitness during a road trip or visiting family. Neither do we!


Visiting St. Augustine for a week? Let us be the first to welcome you! This package gives you access to our classes for one full week of TriForce action!


We Would Love To Meet You!

Simply fill out the form below
& one of our amazing
coaches will be in touch asap! We are excited to meet you!



We Want To Offer You
The PERFECT Membership For YouR NEEDS.

Simply fill out the form below
& one of our amazing coaches
will send you our current
membership information.



Simply fill out the form below and then schedule Your FREE No-Sweat intro Consultation on the next page.

Shortly after we will be in touch with you to confirm your intro session.

We are excited to meet you!



I am fully dedicated to helping every single one of you finally reach your goals.


CrossFit Level 1 Certification



I am fully dedicated to helping every single one of you finally reach your goals.


CrossFit Level 1 Certification



I am fully dedicated to helping every single one of you finally reach your goals.


CrossFit Level 1 Certification


To Request a membership hold, please fill out the form below. Warning, by filling out this form your membership will not be put on hold. This form is simply a way to let us know you would like to request a membership hold. We will then review your request, then reach out to you to confirm.


Please fill out the form below and one of our team members will review your request. Warning. The submission of this form does not cancel your membership. We will review your request, then reach out to confirm.


We Would Love To Meet You!

Simply fill out the form below
& one of our amazing
coaches will be in touch asap! We are excited to meet you!



We Would Love To Meet You!

If you would like to reserve a spot... Simply fill out the form below letting us know what day you might come by & one of our amazing coaches will reach out to you to reserve your class.



Passing through town for just a single day? No problem – we get it, you don’t want to miss a day of fitness during a road trip or visiting family. Neither do we!


Visiting St. Augustine for a week? Let us be the first to welcome you! This package gives you access to our classes for one full week of TriForce action!



We Want To Offer You
The PERFECT Membership For YouR NEEDS.

Simply fill out the form below
& one of our amazing coaches
will send you our current
membership information.