Have you ever avoided foods you enjoy or felt guilty for craving ones that are “bad” for you? Our perception of food directly affects our relationship with it. Shifting your perception of food from “good” or “bad” to what’s going to nourish me and what I enjoy is a game changer! Balanced meals nourish your body and help it recover and perform. Foods that you enjoy nourish your mind and give you satisfaction. Thinking of foods as nourishment can help with an abundance mentality instead of a restrictive one. An abundance mentality when it comes to thinking about food frees us up from making choices based on fear and brings a lot of relief when compared to a restrictive mentality.
Why do we want to stop labeling foods? Labeling foods can lead to :
- Stress About Eating
- Restrictive Mindset
- Limited Enjoyment From Food
- Fear of Unhealthy Foods
- Feeling Good or Bad About Yourself Based On What You Ate
When we label foods, it is common to also start restricting them. Restricting foods can actually lead to more cravings or even the likelihood of binging when you do have them. This can lead to more stress and feelings of needing to make up for it. So rather than missing out on gatherings or events because of food labels, let’s stop labeling foods and bring back the joy of eating balanced and in moderation.
We have great nutrition coaches that will gladly help you with your food journey! Click here to schedule a call with us!