My Blank Fitness Journey with Kelly Harkleroad

Chris: Hey guys, welcome to episode two of My Blank Fitness Journey podcast, where we are going to be interviewing Kelly today. One of our amazing members at TriForce, I’m really excited to have her on. But before that, Megan and I are gonna chat a little bit about what’s going on with us and our fitness right now, and Megan’s going to give you guys an awesome nutrition tip before we get to it. So, Right now our main focus is right. Is Megan doing a CrossFit quarterfinal? So she got done with individual quarterfinals already and is getting ready to hop into her age group quarterfinals is basically just the next step in her CrossFit season. And so, uh, yeah. Megan, tell us a little bit about how that’s going for you, what you’re excited about, what you’re nervous about, all those things. 

Megan: Yeah. It’s been really fun. Definitely one of those things that I think CrossFit has done to make it fun to compete and test your fitness in the Open, because if you’re looking to compare, your progress from last year, sometimes the first three workouts from the open feel like it’s not enough, right?

You want to have a little bit more complete test. So the finals are a fun way to be able to do that. And, I would say that. It’s really shown me areas that I’ve improved and then areas that I still need a lot of work on. And, I think it’s been just a really good process to, have that testing and retesting.

So, we’ve been able to train together and meet up with a couple of other people that are doing it and learn, Skills new skills learn how to be more efficient at skills to get a little bit better at them, and just be okay with trying to push me a little bit more so it’s been fun. 

Chris: Yeah, it’s been super cool getting to see how far you’ve been able to push yourself.

And, just like, for example, watching you do handstand walks yesterday, that’s a hard skill, and seeing the progress that you’re making. And that is, I mean, it’s super fun for me, because I don’t have to put in the work to get there as self, see, do all the work and I just get to enjoy watching you do it.

So I’m super proud of how you’ve done. You’re doing great. 

Megan: Thanks. I appreciate it. Cause it is when you’re pushing yourself into like, you know, to go a little bit more, a little bit faster or do a new skill that you haven’t really done as much. If you’ve, it’s a very vulnerable place, right? You’re like, oh man, this is hard.

I’m really bad at this. So it has been really good to have you and, our other coaches and other members and things like that there to help encourage me along the way. 

Chris: Awesome. Well, Megan, can you give us our nutrition tip for the week? 

Megan: Yeah. so what we’ve been focusing on is our plates actually. So it’s, you know, we’re looking at our plate and trying to focus on balance.

So not only does this help you with, thinking about making a meal plan for the week or when you’re at a restaurant, trying to figure out how to order something that’s going to help you, not only like your meal that you get but then also help you stick with your goals and not feel like you’re totally off because you’re at a restaurant or eating out with friends or just as simple as like packing your lunch in the morning, you’re in a rush, what do I put in my lunch box so that I feel full and satisfied. So it’s called the plate method or the healthy plate, and it works really well with a lot of different eating styles. So we like it because it’s pretty sustainable and I think that’s something that we’re all looking for. Right. And, the basic premise is, is that half of your plate should be some type of non-starchy vegetable and fruit. So you’re looking for lots of colors and textures, and these are your volume foods, so you can eat a lot of them for very few calories so one of those things that helps you feel full. The other side of your place ’cause that’s half of your plate. The other side of your plate is split between a lean protein source. You’re looking for something you’re aiming for light, less processed items and less red meat there. So things like fish and chicken and Turkey and lean ground beef, things like that. , and then the other fourth of your plate is some type of complex carb or like whole grain, items. So, you know, it can be something. You know, oatmeal, or it can be, you know, brown rice or sweet potato. It can be something kind of simple there. If, you know, we have people who are watching their carbohydrates so they’ll take that section where the carbs are and they’ll replace that with healthy fat, like avocado or nuts or something like that, and, you know, so it works really well for them, and I think another thing that makes it sustainable, your whole family can use it. So, you know, I know like when we’re making the plan with the kids and we ask them, okay, what do you want is your, you know, vegetable? And they let us know. And that way they’re kind of on board with us during the week as we’re eating meals. , we’re all feeling really good after we finish our meal. Cause we’ve got a balance between our types of macros, like our proteins carbs, and fats, as well as, you know, foods that help us feel full, like those volume foods. So, and you know, as we’re going through it is, you know, we’re looking for ways to make our plates more balanced. It’s not going to be perfect. Right. , and so I think that like most people in our gym right now are looking for one way that they can. , make their plate look a little bit more balanced. So like, I know our kids, CrossFit class was talking about adding one fruit to their snack before they came to CrossFit. So, you know, just looking at that plate and thinking about, okay, what’s one, one thing that I can add to my plate to make it a little bit more balanced this week. And you know, that can be at one meal, even so, starting small, starting with one thing, that is. What we’re focusing on is that balance plate. 

Chris: I think that’s super cool. Literally, the easiest thing to fall back on. Whenever you’re trying to make decisions about your meal, we can get really granular and we can get really specific on things, but literally if your plate looks. Like this half vegetables, quarter protein per carb that’s super basic and super easy to fall back on. So, That’s kind of our go-to, if we’re feeling out of whack and you don’t have to measure things, you don’t have to get into, logging things for that. It is just very, very straightforward, and literally, you can glance at your plate and see it. So, thanks for sharing that tip. That’s awesome. 

Kelly: Yeah. 

Chris: So today we are interviewing, one of our favorite people.

Ms. Kelly has been at our gym Triforce CrossFit for three years, Kelly has participated in all kinds of our programs, she is, a longstanding nutrition client with Megan, she has been CrossFitting all three years, One of my favorite things about Kelly is that she is not afraid to work hard. She pushes herself every single time that she’s at the gym. She puts in extra work. She also, pushes her family to be healthy too. So, at one point or another, all of her family has been in the gym, working out with her. , right now she’s got her husband and a son in there. So it’s, it’s just really cool seeing that Kelly is not just fateful to working on herself, but is also, an advocate for her family’s health. So, Kelly, thanks for coming on. Welcome to the show. Yeah.

Kelly: Thank you. 

Chris: Awesome, so, this is My Blank Fitness journey, and, uh, so what I like to hear first is like, what’s your blank. What’s uh, what’s the word that describes your fitness journey so far? 

Kelly: I finished anyway, CrossFit has been more like learning all the things that I need to get better at. And figuring out which one I wanted to work on first. Right. It’s, there are so many options for me. And so when I think about it, it’s more like there’s just like an infinite number of possibilities of things that I can just go in and, and do at any one point in time, it definitely is never boring. 

Chris: Yeah, that’s awesome.

And, one thing I didn’t mention is that Kelly has her level one certification for CrossFit, and she is doing open gym right now on Sundays for us. So she’s, coming in and playing herself and learning, but she’s also helping our athletes out as they’re preparing for competitions. And that’s I know that our members have been really excited to have you, so we appreciate you.

Kelly: Yeah, 

it’s been, it’s been fun and not something I think ever thought I would have done in my life because I work in finance with numbers. This was not something in my wheelhouse, but it’s been, it’s been really fun, especially to see all the people who are interested in coming in. We’re all training for some competition and other there’s two or three of them coming up.

Right. And so it’s fun to be able to watch them and help them improve and strategize on how they want to tackle the workup.

Yeah. So, I guess, tell us a little bit about what brought you into TriForce, or what got you interested in and try and CrossFit in the beginning? You know, I’ve done a lot of different sports when I was growing up, I played tennis. I coached tennis when I was in college. When I got out of college, I was running and nobody notices.

They were kind of all monotonous to me. Uh, I could run I could run for a really long time, but it gets a little bit monotonous and it wasn’t really a well-rounded fitness journey. So one of the things that I was looking for was something that was a group activity because I’m not so good at working out on my own. I found over the years. But

 wasn’t just getting up every Saturday morning and running with a group of people, and that was all I did. So I had a couple of people who have done CrossFit in their lives that had kind of encouraged me and I dropped in at the location and it was something that felt a little bit safer for me to join.

I think a lot of people start CrossFit and, and it’s, it’s a big leap for someone who hasn’t been doing all of the different movements that you do in CrossFit, and so, it was really for me jumping in and being able to do something that had a combination of activities across, you know, cardio versus weightlifting, et cetera, because they needed more than just the things I was doing.

But in a group setting that was encouraging for me and social in many aspects.

Megan: That’s true. I didn’t realize that you had, uh, coached tennis as well. That’s pretty cool. So tell us a little bit more about how you set goals for yourself. Cause that’s something about you that always inspires me. 

Kelly: Yeah. Yeah. So, what I’ve learned about myself is. I’m not so good at staying towards long-term goals unless I have inter interactive kind of midterm goals in between them.

And so I know we’ve talked about this a lot and kind of our nutrition coaching conversations that sometimes end up being like goal setting conversations for us. I tend to think through things like, what’s the next event or next thing coming up that gives me something to work, to work towards., I set goals in almost every aspect of my life work, family, fitness financials.

Hey. When I find myself specifically with my fitness and health goals if I have something coming up that’s maybe a month, two months, or three months out at most, it’s easy for me to see something on the horizon that I’m working towards. So that there’s kind of, an end goal, right? I think for things like fitness and health, it’s really forever.

Right. And so it’s a forever goal in many ways, but I think about my goals almost on a quarterly basis and try and figure out how do I want to tackle them so that they stay fresh and new. And then it’s kind of a box if you will, that I know that I’m working towards checking work is sometimes for me, goals are, are, are lofty and nebulous and don’t always have a box you can check, but if I can align something to it, it makes it a lot easier for me to work on as well.

Chris: I think that’s great. You know, it’s almost like we could fill in your blank with like gamified, uh, fitness journey. Cause it sounds like that’s really what you’re looking for is you’re looking for an opportunity to, have this achievement that you hit, you know, like, I think that’s one of the.

They talk about this in like video games or even on your phone with, uh, you know, or your watch with the rings and stuff. Like having that thing that is right in front of you, that you can achieve. And then you get a, like a little ding, it buzzes you. Good job. You closed your rings. That helps a ton of people.

And it sounds like for you, CrossFit has been able to do that because there are competitions or, uh, I know for you, I’ve gotten to watch your level up a lot. So you have these different little, milestones that you’re looking to achieve. And then I see you post on Facebook. Hey, I leveled up and that’s, that’s been super fun for us to watch.

Kelly: Yeah, it’s fun. . I like the competition aspect of it because it gives me an event to work towards and something social, and, I tend towards team competitions as opposed to individual competitions cause I like kind of the team aspect of it and helping and working with others.

But on a more personal level, it’s like, there are all these things. I think, when I started, when I started the Sunday activity I was like, let me just put a list of everything that I’m, not so good at that I could be better at. Right. Like, there are things that, as an athlete, you’re naturally good at, right?

Like I can lift some pretty decently heavyweights and that’s probably a little bit more natural to me, but all of the like gymnastics habits are not mine. They’re just not in my wheelhouse. It was almost like exciting to say, like, here’s all the things I’m kind of not good at, that I could be working on and just set aside, like, let me just pick one at a time.

And the hardest part is picking which one I want to work on because I really want to work on all of them. But I found that if I can just pick one and just, you know, a handful of days a week, that’s the thing that I focused on, it amazes me how much I have been able to progress on some things that I thought, ah, I mean, I might not ever be able to do that. Right. Like it’s taken me a long time to be able to figure out how to do double-under for example. But like, it just took practice after practice, after practice. And it’s not something that you can’t do at any age in your life. It’s just a matter of whether that’s something you want to spend time learning.

It’s been really fun for me just to, to kind of make a list of like, what do I want to work on and, and decide what I want to work on every day. 

Chris: Yeah, the, uh, just something for our listeners to think about. Like, what Kelly’s saying is she’s attacking her weaknesses. We all have strengths. We all have weaknesses.

Speaking specifically about right now, but think about the things that you’re really good at. Like, those are the things that you’ll probably continue to be good at. And while they’re fun too, it’s fun. If Kelly, I know that the Kelly is super strong, so I’m sure it is fun on deadlift day for her to come in and just lift some beast mode weight. But what she’s saying is like, it’s also fun to list out these things. I know I need to do this, this, this, and this. If I want to improve as a well-rounded athlete and she’s going in and she’s actually attacking those things and it’s, there’s, at some point there’s diminishing returns on working on your strengths while, uh, there is this like quick, usually there’s a quick adjustment that you can make to your weaknesses and notice a lot of progress. So, uh, you know, she can spend five weeks working on her double-under and start noticing a big difference or gymnastics movement or whatever it is. And that’s something I think that we can all take away is like, if we’re all willing to be a little introspective and not just say, Hey, I’m really good at X, I’m going to keep working on X. Well, what about Y and Z? Those are probably the things that we can all take some time. Think about an address and notice the biggest improvements in our overall fitness. 

Kelly: Yeah, 

Megan: I think it’s cool too, like, I know, as you said, you sometimes will set like lofty goals and it’s helpful to have those little incremental goals along the way to keep you going.

And I think back to when, uh, you and Jose wanted to go hiking on your anniversary, uh, for your honeymoon and how you guys prepared and trained for that. When also you’re bringing like your family in on it, but like thinking about the way that you set a goal to do, like how many, I can’t remember how many box step-ups it was, but, uh, after like each night that you guys were at CrossFit and like, and how you guys train for it week over week and then were able to have so much fun. You know, on your honeymoon, because you had done those little, those little incremental goals, you know, and it was something that translated into, you know, something and experience that you guys got to share together because of that discipline that you put into work on this. 

Kelly: Yeah. Yeah, definitely. Yeah, that one, I think, was a little bit almost straightforward.

Like, you know, you’re going to go hiking. So box stuff is like a thing you can do. And we went out and got beat, so we could do weighted box step-ups and it’s translated into a lot of other things, for me, but then, just the things you want to do in life, right? Like, because I’m at CrossFit so frequently, like we just started kind of going to volleyball on Saturdays and Sundays with some friends.

And I was like, you know, Probably three years ago before I started CrossFit, I probably wouldn’t have been so comfortable going, but now I’m like, well, I’m pretty good athletes, so if I have to jump and dive for a ball, I’m a little bit more comfortable than I might’ve been. So it also translates for me into other activities that I can do and enjoy that I probably wouldn’t have enjoyed quite the same as I do now because I can go out, I can just do them. It’s not, it’s not the same. Like we were, we were doing yard work the other day and it was like, man, this is actually fun. And it’s. Easy, as opposed to, you know, a few years ago, I’m like, okay, I need the whole day. Cause I’m going to have to recover the next day from doing all these things.

And it looks like, you know, no big deal. I can go grab the 40-pound bag of dirt from the back of the car and carry it across the yard. It isn’t a big deal. And so it’s, it’s amazing to me, like just the things that you’re, that we do in the gym, how much it makes life more enjoyable because all the things I’m doing in life for so much easier.

Megan: That’s good. 

I, what were you gonna say, Chris? I was gonna see if, uh, you could tell us a little bit more about your experience, with TriForce during COVID. So, cause I know that that was one of the times that we get to see more of your family, uh, was specifically during COVID, which was a hard time.

So I wanted to hear a little bit more about that. 

Kelly: Sure. COVID was. It was hard because I was so used to being, not in the house at all. I worked full-time from an office. So it took a little bit to kind of get used to being home all the time. We had already had some gym equipment in our garage, so it was a fairly easy transition when we went to zoom and doing, doing those.

But I think the best part about it was it helped our kids get a little bit more comfortable in doing it with us. Sometimes they would hang off to the sides, you couldn’t see them in zoom because they were still learning and doing that. But for us, it almost gave us an activity to do as a family that made everyone a little bit more comfortable in doing.

And even now, They use the garage still, to work out sometimes. So in times when they can’t come with us, you know, Chris mentioned one of our sons is coming with us now and he’s really enjoying it, but even so, you know, Bella, our daughter, she’ll go out to the garage occasionally and do workouts because she’s been to all those classes with us that she knows what she’s doing.

We were doing yoga for a little while in the mornings and it made the day so much more peaceful there were points in time where it really likes all seven of us would it be out there in the morning doing yoga? We actually ran out of room. It was a fun way to just have an activity with the kids, but it really kept us engaged.

And honestly, I think it helps it easier for me to even just stay on track for myself. If we hadn’t had the zoom and all of those activities. I doubt that I would’ve done anything. For me, that’s, that’s, the social community aspect that I like so much about it. Even if it was on video, I was seeing people, I knew we were laughing and joking, and you’re still, still doing the same thing you would do with a January.

It kinda sorta poking at each other, pushing each other a little bit harder. I think it wouldn’t have been the same for me. I actually lost a lot of weight over COVID just from working out. And I think had we not had those opportunities and had you all not made a session effort to make those opportunities for us, it probably would have been the other way around for me because I probably would’ve been sitting around doing nothing.

Megan: I think it gave us a reason as well. Like knowing that you guys either we’re going to be on there. It’s like, okay, let’s keep it up. Like, this is hard. It’s different than like how it has been in the past. You know, it’s not the same as doing class together, but it’s like like you said, that kind of social aspect of it was like, we miss seeing everyone and we knew that you guys were expecting us to be on there the same way. Like we were expecting you to be on there. So it was super helpful, I think, for thriving during COVID. 

Kelly: Yeah, for sure. It made it, it made it funny. The other thing that I realize about it is, you know, not everybody has the equipment at home. I know you guys were super generous and let a lot of people borrow some of the equipment, and that was super helpful, but there’s only so much space people have.

And there were people who were doing it in their living rooms, right. So you’re obviously not going to take a barbell and lift it in your living room. And a lot of people don’t have that. But the other thing that was really helpful with is it helps you realize like, You kind of can use anything and you really don’t need as much as you think you need to get in a really hard workout.

Like some of those workouts, it was like, oh my gosh, I’m not, I’m not actually lifting anything super heavy, but I’m like really exhausted. So I think the other piece of it is making, helping you realize, like, we kind of don’t have that much of an excuse during COVID not to get in a really good workout because you can still do a lot with very little for sure.

Megan: It’s true. 

Chris: And I think that that’s a good encouragement to everybody is even now that, you know, hopefully, the pandemic is winding down, whatever, or getting back to a more normal life. Uh, Uh, there’s always an opportunity to get a workout in, like, if you can get it in during COVID when we all had to stay in our houses with what we had with who we had, and, you know, you guys were doing workouts on zoom and, uh, doing the yoga and like getting everything in.

Like, there is literally, there’s no excuse to be like, oh, I’m traveling. I can’t work out. Dude, you have a, if you’ve got a body, you can move it, you know, and get some exercise then 

Kelly: unfortunately I have no excuse not to do burpees cause I don’t have any equipment. Although that might be the one movement I would love to have an excuse for, but don’t need anything to do that for sure.

Chris: Oh man. Burpees. I need to do some of those today, maybe. So Kelly, one question that we like to ask everybody on here is, let me back up, uh, Part of this podcast, our goal is to like highlight you guys as, not just people, but as superheroes. Because it’s kind of like you’re telling us your origin story you’re on this fitness journey is winding and we haven’t really talked about it, but I’m sure it has its ups and downs.

It’s not all straightforward linear progress but along with that, I’m convinced everybody has superpowers. So, what is one real-world superpower you would say that you have, 

Kelly: Real-world superpower that I have. I don’t know that I had it before I started to cross it, but I think CrossFit has helped me learn that I don’t give up. Like there’s, there’s always, you may have to, you may have to slow it down and pace yourself differently, but I think it’s helped me learn, like I’m pretty good at persevering for some things, and I don’t give up no matter what, you’re still going to finish the workout, even if it takes forever.

Chris: Yeah, perseverance is huge, I mean, that’s an amazing superpower to have because there’s going to be workouts, uh, we’ve got Memorial day Murph coming up and it’s like, for most people it’s, this is the workout it’s going to take a while. Like, let’s get to it. Let’s get in there. Let’s grind and the fact that you’ve been willing to do that every workout along the way makes those longer, harder workouts.

Just another day. And, I know that that is not just in workouts either, right? You’re a persevering person and hopefully, you know, the time that you are spending in the gym, Under these tension-filled burpees and like, you know, just like these workouts, sorry. You’re like, I’m going to finish it.

Hopefully, that’s having an impact on the rest of your life, and you’re seeing, okay, well, if I can do, if I can do a hundred burpees, then I can sit through this zoom meeting with, you know, at work or, you know, whatever.

Kelly: Yeah, yeah, yeah. It was, I was noticing it the other day, I think we had a workout this week where you had to do deadlifts and.

As we’ve discussed, I can do a deadlift. That’s not a problem. Pushups are not necessarily my strength. Right. And so when you look at the workout, I think sometimes you have people tend to do the lower level because maybe they’re afraid that they won’t finish or they might be slower than other people.

And for me, it was like, well, heck I could do this deadlift weight really easily, and no matter which fluffle I decide to do, I still have to do the same number of pushups. So I might as well push myself and do a little bit harder. And you realize that, like, even though I might be last, it was okay because I got a workout that made me stronger.

Right. And so when I think about like persevering, sometimes it’s not necessarily about. Finishing the entire workout, but just kind of compete with myself at times to know that I need to push myself harder, and I think when you think about that and how it translates to life, right? Life is a journey.

It’s not, it’s not that 15-minute workout. And so learning how to kind of push yourself through knowing you’re going to finish this, you’ll finish other things, I think it helps you be a lot more resilient as you go through life to know like times get tough at certain points. If you can push through the workout, you can push through whatever obstacle you’ve got going on for the rest of your life.

It’s also temporary. 

Chris: Yeah. I mean, being at the top of a family of seven, I’m sure that there are some trying. Times where you have to persevere, right.

So as, as we’re wrapping up, I think that. I’d love to hear a little bit more about where you see your fitness journey heading, in the next, as you talked about, like you don’t, like, I’m not going to say like, where would you like to end up at the end? Because there is no end. You’ve already discussed how you do a much better job of kind of setting these short or medium-term goals.

So tell us a little bit about one of your next goals or what you’re shooting for now? Yeah. 

Kelly: You know, for me, my long-term goal is to be in just as good a health now, as I will be 10, 15, 20 years from now. Right. I mean, that’s kinda the bigger picture, I think for me, how I get there.

There’s a handful, there’s a handful of things that I just kind of want to work on. I, I still have work to do on my double-under I’ve made a lot of progress, but I want to work on that some more. I’m still trying to get a pull-up. So Jose and I are working on like, Hey, three days a week, we’re going to do all of these things and, and try and get there.

so when I think about like smaller goals like there are pull-ups, I want to get, I’m just trying to work on wall walks while walks are not there. Like I said, the more gymnastics is not necessarily what I’m great at and so there’s a handful of things that I think you’re okay with. This month, I’m going to work on pull-ups.

It’ll probably take me a little bit more than a month to do that, but if you get used to doing it, it kind of becomes second nature. And the next month, while I work on wall walks and then once you know how to do it, and I actually had the confidence to do it, it’s programmed enough in the regular workouts that then you can kind of maintain through the workouts.

Right? I wasn’t able to make the workout yesterday that had Wall walk and I was like, I’m going to do them this time, even if I only do three-quarters of a wall walk and so we were talking about, we’re going to do that workout this weekend because I want to be in a position where there’s never a workout where I’m not comfortable enough trying the movement and then I kind of make notes. And so those are the short-term ones that are kind of like top of mind for me that I want to work on, but I’m sure there’ll be another workout next week to go, oh, I should add this to my list of things that I’m kind of going to focus on. Because to your point, there are things that you’re naturally good at, and they’re going to come up often enough in the workouts that will help me maintain them and the things you want to focus on of the weaknesses that I want to get better. So that when I come into all of these workouts, I’m super excited to tackle the whole thing at like full speed. 

Chris: That’s great. Uh, and one of the amazing things about CrossFit and specifically at TriForce is that, uh, You are kind of preparing for the unknown and the unknowable is that, you know, you don’t know what the workout is going to be next weekend.

You know, there’s probably going to be some wall walks in there and you’re going to have to do them now. Like they’ve committed to it. So that’s awesome. 

Kelly: I’ve lost my excuse, not to do it when there are double-under in the workout, so I will eventually lose the excuse not to do it when there are small walks.

And I think one of the things I really enjoy about TriForce in particular is a lot of the members work on their weaknesses. And so if you’re in there at any point in time, there’s a lot of people afterward, they’re like, Hey, I’m going to work on this and I’m going to work on that. I think you guys have done a really good job of kind of setting the tone of like, it’s, it’s good to continually focus on the things that you want to get better on.

And so I see a lot of people just say, Okay. There are some people who didn’t do GHDs on a regular basis and they were over there and think Alyssa was giving them a couple of tips while she was there. Just saying, Hey, let’s get this machine set up, right. Let’s give you some tips and techniques. There are a lot of people that I think do a really good job of focusing on working on things that they just need to focus and get a little bit better on because it’s, it’s new and exciting, right?

It’s not, it does not work. It’s fun. 

Megan: It’s fun. 

I love, I love the focus of that. It’s fun. Uh, and that it’s yeah. It’s, it’s like, I think I mentioned in the beginning, it puts you in a vulnerable spot to do something that you’re not good at. Right. Uh, but I think if you can have. Persevering or that growth mindset that like, Hey, if I focus on these things, like eight can be fun.

It gives, it opens up my definition of fun so that I can have more fun. I think that was something one of our other coaches had pointed out and I thought that was so great. And I see you doing it. And then like super thankful that you even, you know, as you said, you, because of your own personal perseverance and like the desire to work on those skills now, like we have an opportunity, a special time set aside at the gym that people can come in and do just that.

So it continues that culture of like, it’s fun to work on the things that you’re not good at and having that growth mentality that like, I’m not gonna get discouraged by this. I’m going to set those small attainable goals and I’m going to work on focusing on the things I’m progressing in and having fun with it and doing it with friends, like the best way to do it.

Right. So I love that you’ve, uh, Open that up so that our members can do that. I think it’s great. 

Kelly: Yeah. I think it’s a lot of it is the community of the gym that everybody is really encouraging everyone else to work on those things and do better. Right. So it is, people do get nervous and they get vulnerable, but the atmosphere at TriForce is such that you aren’t really because everybody’s encouraging you, right?

Like they’re, they’re there and cheering you on, even when you don’t get the movement and trying to get right. There are a lot of people working on muscle-ups. We all get really excited and we got the camera out and we’re like the biggest time it’s going to be this time, and so while it’s vulnerable, I think that people are so excited for each other.

It’s real, it’s really not. It’s the community that’s helping people kind of move forward in that aspect, for sure. 

Megan: For sure. 

Chris: All right. So kind of, uh, One last question for you for somebody that maybe is nervous about joining TriForce or for whatever reason is on the fence, like 32nd elevator speech on why Triforce is, uh, might be a good fit for them and they should try it out.

Kelly: Yeah.

You know, I would say first and foremost, the community of people is fabulous. Right. So, I know that walking into something like CrossFit can be really kind of nervous because. You have this expectation that everyone else already knows what they’re doing and they’re already really, really great at it.

That’s never the case in any space, right? There are people at all levels of their, of their journey, and know that walking into that journey of there are people there who were really invested in your success as well and that you kind of have to start somewhere and I think, you know, the thing that I liked best about TriForce, there is such a variety of skill across the group that it is very comfortable walking in. I know I was super nervous when I first walked in because I didn’t know at all what I was doing. I have enough, I have enough experience as an athlete that I know what squats are and all those things, but know that the community cares for you.

The coaches care for you, they’re invested in you, but there are people who were at every part of their journey. And that, you know, we start somewhere. 

Chris: Yeah. That’s awesome. You guys heard it from Kelly that the community, I mean, that’s something that she’s talked about, you know, over and over again, over this, this episode is how important it is to have people that you enjoy being around and who is gonna push you.

But at the same time, she talked about it like it was okay. Being vulnerable because they’re, they’re there to encourage you. So, if you, uh, resonated or like, if this, if this episode resonated with you and if the things that Kelly’s saying or it’s like, yeah, that sounds great. Like, I would love to help my family understand how to exercise or I would love to go somewhere where I can come in and be accepted for where I’m at. But also be willing to work on those things that I know that I need to work on. TriForce might be, a great option for you. Kelly, thank you so much for sharing for spending your good Friday with us. I’m not sure when everybody’s listening, but it is Good Friday, so good Friday to you.

Thanks for coming on Kelly.Any parting words for us 

Kelly: I appreciate you guys inviting me. It means a lot for you guys to ask me to do this. So thank you. I almost feel like we’re just a family and so thank you so much for everything you guys have done for our community.

It means a lot to me. 

Chris: Thanks for being a part of it. We love you. 

Megan: We really do so. Thank you. 

Chris: All right guys, that’s it. 

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